Vision Statement Of This Blog:

To educate and influence United States consumers about corn subsidized foods to make healthy and economic food purchases while meeting nutritional needs. The objective will require U.S. consumers to reduce their meat and corn processed commodity consumption which will in turn benefit their health and the U.S. economy.

Our Urgency Statement:

Corn Free = Poison Free. Eat Organic! is derived from our belief that United States Consumers need to pay close attention to the ingredients in their food products. Corn, a natural product, is currently used in many unnatural ways which are negatively affecting our environment, our health and our local economies. By eating organically raised animal products and commodities our conditions will be positively affected and result in sustainability.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Brief History of Corn Utilized as Feed for Animals

World War II: The first self-propelled grain combines were introduced. They enabled U.S. farmers to produce substantially more grain than the nation's population could consume.

Late 1950s: Poultry industry moved the chickens out of the pastures into huge buildings. It took only 7 weeks to raise a chicken compared to the previous 3 months.

1960’s: Dairy industry evolved away from the small 25-cow, pasture-based dairies to huge operations with 1,000 or more cows housed in feedlot conditions being fed grain and milk production per cow had soared as a result.

1970’s: Pork industry followed suit by moving sows indoors where they were fed grain and turned into living machines that mass produced more live pigs than ever before. Piglets weaned at 30 days and are fed more grain. They grow exceptionally fast to produce more pork

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