Vision Statement Of This Blog:

To educate and influence United States consumers about corn subsidized foods to make healthy and economic food purchases while meeting nutritional needs. The objective will require U.S. consumers to reduce their meat and corn processed commodity consumption which will in turn benefit their health and the U.S. economy.

Our Urgency Statement:

Corn Free = Poison Free. Eat Organic! is derived from our belief that United States Consumers need to pay close attention to the ingredients in their food products. Corn, a natural product, is currently used in many unnatural ways which are negatively affecting our environment, our health and our local economies. By eating organically raised animal products and commodities our conditions will be positively affected and result in sustainability.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Nutritional Aspects of Corn as Feed

A study conducted by the UC Cooperative Extension found drastic differences in the nutritional values of Grass Fed Beef and Grain Fed Beef in the following areas:
•Beta-carotene (broken down into Vitamin A) is good for vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division and cell differentiation
•Vitamin E- a fat soluble vitamin good for antioxidant activity which help fend off cancers and cardiovascular disease.
•Fatty acid components Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio. Omega-3 reduces inflammation and prevents heart disease and arthritis. Omega-6 reduces inflammation, blood clotting and tumor growth. Both assist with cognitive and behavioral functions of the brain.
•CLA a polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps to reduce heart disease risks, cancer, onset of diabetes and accumulation of body fat.

Grass Fed vs. Corn Fed

Grass Fed

•Beta-Carotene (broken down into Vitamin A)
–3.5 ounces of ground beef have 87 micrograms of beta-carotene
–Rib eye steak has 64 micrograms of beta-carotene
•Vitamin E
–products have 9.3 micrograms (almost 3x that of corn fed)
•Fatty acid components Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio
–60 percent more omega-3 fatty acids providing a much better ratio
–3.5 ounces worth of products provide 25% of daily requirement (5grams/day)

Corn Fed

•Beta-Carotene (broken down into Vitamin A)
-3 ounces of ground beef have 41 micrograms of beta-carotene
–Rib eye steak has 36 micrograms of beta-carotene
•Vitamin E
–products have 3.7 micrograms
•Fatty acid components Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio
–60 percent less omega-3 fatty acids providing a much lesser ratio
–products (3.5 ounces worth) provide less than 10% of daily requirement (5grams/day)

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